Monday, July 3, 2023

My Books Arrived!

My box of paperbacks from Harlequin arrived this past weekend. Forty-five copies of my book, Home for the Challah Days, and I was more excited than I thought possible.

I’ve written romances before. And I’ve ordered copies of my books before. In fact, I have a whole bookcase filled with my copies that I take with me to bookstores, reader conferences, and festivals. So, you’d think receiving a box of books in the mail would be no big deal.


You’d be wrong. 


For one, the boxes I’ve received in the past have been ones I’ve ordered. For a discount, but ordered, nonetheless. This box of books was given to me by my publisher as per my contract, and although I’m not allowed to sell these copies (also per my contract), I can keep them, give them away, use them for swag, etc.


For another, the actual books are different, too, and no, I don’t mean because they have a different title. They’re smaller—mass-market paperback size (think the size you see in Walmart). The cover is matte. And they even have the inserts in the middle of the book that all/most Harlequins have—truth be told, those inserts annoy me as a reader, but as an author? It means the book is real (to me, at least)!


And finally, it means that it’s almost publication day. August 22 will be here before I know it, and my book will be out in the world. This book that I never thought would see the light of day after so many rejections will finally get into readers’ hands. 


So, my excitement is real and different from before. If you haven’t seen it, here it is:

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Nice to know even multi published authors still enjoy the thrill of the books arriving!
