Monday, September 19, 2022

Cooking As A Love Language

According to experts, there are five different love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. That may be true. But I have another one, and while I'm not an expert, I think it's a valid addition--cooking.

I cook to express my love for those around me. Not feeling well? I'll make you soup. Had a tough day? Let me cook you a nice dinner. Celebrating something? I'll bake cookies. It's how I show those I care about that I love them.

Today, I'm baking for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. The round challah is for our Rosh Hashanah dinner. Our table is smaller this year, since neither of our daughters can join us, but we'll still celebrate with my parents and welcome in the new year. And since our daughters won't be home for the holiday, I'm sending them their own Rosh Hashanah sweets, applesauce cake. It's my mom's recipe, with some modifications to accommodate the girls' tastes. Cooking for love only works if I make something they will want to eat. 

I include a lot of food in the books I write, too. Food tells a lot about a person--do they prefer savory or sweet, are they a chocolate person, do they cook or order in, does it bring back memories or make new ones?

In my upcoming Harlequin romance (September 2023), the story takes place over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Food plays a huge role. In fact, the hero is a Jewish deli owner who has taken over the family business. And of course, he makes the best challah in town.

So tell me, do you agree that food should also be a love language? Why or why not?


  1. Happy (almost) Rosh Hashanah!

    Yes, cooking can totally be a love language.

    1. Thank you for the well-wishes. I'm glad you agree--even when I don't want to cook, it still makes me feel good.
