Tuesday, April 19, 2022

I Need Your Help!

Hey all, I need your help.

A Reckless Heart is up for a Rone Award (a prestigious award in the indie romance community, of which I am a part). The first round of judging* starts today and I would love it if all my friends would vote. 

  1. Go to https://indtale.com/user?current=node/1

2.     Create an account if you don't already have one (it's safe, I promise, and once you've voted you can unsubscribe to any emails you might get).

3.     Check your email and VERIFY the account.

4.     Click on https://indtale.com/2022-rone-award-reader-voting and scroll to WEEK 2.

5.     There are 3 categories. A Reckless Heart is in Contemporary: Steamy. Click on it. Then go to the bottom of the category and click VOTE.


*This first round is purely a popularity contest (which I hate) and so you don't have to have read the book. BUT, if I make it past this round, my book gets in front of editors, agents, and others in the industry and THAT will help my career. 

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